Sunday, December 18, 2011

3. The Review of The Monster Inside Me

Title            : The Monster Inside Me
Story Link   : [click]
Author        : kittyxluvlee
Status        : Ongoing, 8 chapters
Workshop   : ★ C r e a m Puffs' ★ `Reviews, Advertisements, Trailers

Title [4/5]
The Monster Inside Me, 'rebellious' will be the first impression of most readers.
But it's not everything in the title, it's also relevant to the storyline, well done.  It sounds a little creepy, yet mysterious, exactly what young readers will find as a magnet attracting them to read it.

Foreword & Description [8/10]
From what I see in your description, it seems a rather different story from what we've been through over and over.
I'm willing to read it even though I'm not a fan of Infinite's.
I get the creeps when I read the foreword...

Poster/Background [6/10]
Passionate, mysterious shade of red on your poster. It reminds me of blood.
It somewhat feels like a tough love story, something like Twilight. (I wrote this before reading your foreword, well, good job on it!)
Dark but romantic.
Love your poster.
I see plain white background, some warm shades behind will spice things up, make the readers' heart beat even faster.

Plot [18/20]
Things are going on a pace pretty fast, all the better to thrill readers as soon as possible.
No details missed, no dragging.
And there seems to be climaxes/sub-climaxes every now and then.
Thumbs up

Characters [12/15]
I love the way you characterize everyone, it feels like everyone completes the puzzle.
About Myungsoo, he's said to be rather cold, unfriendly and acts onto his prey without hesitant or guilt.
But he's all overprotective and sweet(kind of) on Miyoung already?
He can't help it, yeah. But he doesn't even try to fight it?

Grammar & Spelling [5/5]
Hardly any spelling mistakes.
Grammar is accurate, except for a rare few mistakes, out of a rush, I think.
Here's some grammar error I noticed:
1st chapter
I couldn't believe my ears.
Last chapter
I buried my head into my hands
shook her head adamantly
She shook her head.
Still, judging from the vocabularies you use, these are probably careless mistakes.
Oh, and thumbs up to your choice of wordings.

Style [5/5]
Short and simple, you don't babble on and on in one paragraph.
Love it.
And you state your POV clearly.
And of course, your descriptive writing probably envies most of the writers out there.

Originality [9/10]
What more can I ask for?
I don't see many of these fan-fics, first thing.
2nd, it's a challenging theme to write on to capture readers' attention.
You're awesome.
But I have a feeling that the one girl is going to get stuck between two guys, again.
Am I right?

Captivating [8/10]
Well described.
My heart throbs whenever I picture things as you describe.
And when you snap out of it just after a short while, it leaves me dying for more.
There are certain parts when the descriptions are ended too soon though, I wasn't even feeling warmed up yet.
Oh, and certain chapters (just one or two so far) cool the readers down.
You could have added a little more humor or drama to it.
Still very captivating though.
I felt breathtaken pausing at where you came to a pause.
I simply can't resist pressing 'next' again and again.
I finished it in one shot.

Flow & Entertainment [9/10]
The story flows on, like a stream. No problem, yeah.
But it'll be perfect if you watch out for minor grammar mistakes though.
It spoils the fun when it gets confusing, even just for that swift moment.

Overall [84/100]

I just wanna say, I'm not flattering you.
Really, it's wonderful.
I don't even know Infinite in the beginning, and now, I'm starting to remember & differentiate their names.  First Infinite fiction I've read.

 -Claraine, an early piece

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