Thursday, February 23, 2012

12. Review of His Cactus, Her Love

Title            : His Cactus, Her Love
Story Link   : [click]
Author        : dulcee
Status         : Ongoing, 7 chapters
Workshop   : Literature Mused Reviews

First Impression Section
Title [3.5/5]
It wasn’t very appealing, to be truthful.
After reading it, I guess his ‘cactus’ means Yooae?
Anyway, the title’s really unique.
Foreword & Description [9/10]
It’s awesome, and it serves its purpose well, luring me into turning to the next page.
It’s an introduction, so it’s good to bring the characters out short and simple.
I love the extract you pick for your foreword, that part is interesting just by itself.
It doesn’t confuse readers either, unlike some of the extracts on foreword (in other stories) which give readers annoying question marks.
Graphics [3/5]
It’s kind of simple, and personally, I do find it too greenish.
Still, poster looks fine.
I love the way how the title’s written on a piece of ripped paper.
Sub-Total [15.5/20]
Creation Section
Originality [25/30]
It’s not something we see every day.
However, an ‘almost-nobody’ who’s crushing hard on a kingka isn’t that new.
To me, it’s rather original, because of the unexpected little ideas all over the story.
For example, the part she went blind-dating and MyungSoo couldn’t recognize her.
And the part on the conflict of her hair colour and MyungSoo’s stand-up for her.
Storyline / Plot [27/30]
I was trying so hard not to burst out laughing.
It’s hilarious, the way you write it.
One thing, on the sixth chapter, I think it’s slightly too detailed and readers’ spasm of emotions might get mild.
I got so excited at the part where she confessed though.
Language [19/20]
I spotted a missing word in the first part of foreword and slight spelling mistakes.
Proofread it, you’ll find it with ease.
Anyway, overall is really good. Occasional spelling mistakes found with suitable choice of words. And grammatical mistake-free.
Thumbs up.
Flow of Story [20/20]
It can’t flow any better, the speed of storyline is just right in conjunction with the length of chapters written.
It’s amazing, of how you do it.
Sub-Total [91/100]
Bonus Section
Characterization [9/10]
I love the way you portray MyungSoo, unintentionally slow and blunt.
And being a kingka, I understand that he has to b a gentleman in the eyes’ of girls.
I’m glad that you bother to write that part out.
About Yooae persona, I’m glad that she’s not another typical almost-nobody-but-daringly-running-after-a-kingka-claiming-him-her-own girl, or a ‘innocently-needs-protection-gets-pity-from-guy’ girl.
She has the shy and hesitant side of a girl, which I like.
About Airi, being a mystery.
It just doesn’t feel right.
It gives out that she’s going to be a mysterious antagonize which I see in a lot of stories.
Surprise me if she isn’t.
Style of Writing [10/10]
It’s perfect, the way you describe the scenarios.
I could imagine it in my head.
Expresses storyline clearly to readers without being verbose.
Yet it doesn’t arouses confusion.
Double thumbs up.
Captivity [5/5]
I can’t believe it.
I was reading it during midnight, when I was supposed to be in bed as I’d school the next day.
Still, I kept on clicking ‘next’ and assure myself that this is the last one, but I ended up finish all six in one go.
I can’t wait for next update!
Format & Layout of Story (Neatness) [4/5]
I like the way you separate different scenes with a neon green bar.
The story’s easy to read, but the font size is slightly small for those using Mozilla Firefox.
Unlike IE, that program doesn’t enable its users to alter the font size of words.
Sub-Total [28/30]
Total [134.5/150] /[89.6/100]
I tried to review the story real strict but it’s still one of the stories that scored scarily well.
It's my honour getting to review this one/
By the way, Airi is not in a relationship with Myungsoo right?
It would make the storyline a un-fresh if that’s what going to happen.
Still, this part is so a mystery and I’m not taking it into consideration of the review. 
I love it, you rock, dulcee! 
Oh, and hwaiting!

 - Claraine

Sunday, February 12, 2012

11. Review of Thank You, Goodbye & I Love You

Title            : Thank You, Goodbye & I Love You
Story Link   : [click]
Author        : keishota
Status         : Completed, one-shot
Workshop   : Professional Review Shop

First Impression Section

Title [1.5/5]
The title isn’t too appealing.
It sounds very familiar.
Yes, you guessed right. There are lots of stories with titles similar to this one.
Foreword & Description [4/10]
I love it when authors place details for the story, say, ratings, genres...
It sounds kind of cliché already.
Patient getting real sick, refuses to tell his beloved ones.
Graphics [3.5/5]
Your background reminds me of soil, where living things return to after their either simple or glamorous lives. Melancholic feeling, check.
Your poster is more to a mysterious, magical feel though.
However, I really like the book at the front. To me, it symbolises the past, memories that was once reality.
Perhaps Doojoon’s image in a darker shade will enhance your angst atmosphere better.
Sub-Total [9/20]
Creation Section

Originality [14/30]
It’s quite a common idea already.
The main character keeping away his/her sickness from beloved ones, then tragic ending.
Fictions, dramas, it’s everywhere... I’m getting quite sick of it too.
Storyline / Plot [22/30]
The way you write in details, very influential.
I was clutching my shirt when Doojoon had difficulties breathing. I felt like I had too.
Score point for you!
Still, I couldn’t help deducting points for its originality...
Language [13/20]
I see a few mistakes here and there, for instance,
Confused, not confuse
Keep his calmness, not calm
Keep your eyes open for present tenses & past tenses.
I see that you’ve proof read the story, maybe you should once more?
By the way, there’s sign of broken English in the story.
For example,
teachers keep calling asking me to help them
Your choice of vocabularies is good though.
Flow of Story [16/20]
Nothing wrong with it, yet one-shots can’t possibly go too wrong.
What I mean is, one-shots can’t really go slow or anything, so one-shots kind of safe in this section. (mostly)
Mistakes are minor so it doesn’t affect flow of story.
Sub-Total [65/100]
Bonus Section

Characterization [6.5/10]
I’m not really impressed with Doojoon’s character trait.
Keeping his illness a secret because he couldn’t stand to see his beloved ones undergo heartbreak.
Dongwoon’s insanity at the ending was a shock to me though.
Still, thumbs up.
I know, you’re trying to express him EXTREME love for Doojoon.
Style of Writing [9.5/10]
Despite grammar mistakes, your style of writing enhances the story.
Readers can actually picture the scene in their heads.
There’s always room to improve though, all the best!
Captivity [2/5]
One-shots are really hard to be captivating to readers.
Same goes to this one.
One of the aspects might be its originality.
Nice shot, though.
Format & Layout of Story (Neatness) [5/5]
It’s easy to read, sure.
The layout is fine. Keep it up!
Sub-Total [23/30]
Total [97/150]/ [65]
Link to song doesn’t work...
Thanks for having the faith in me, to be your reviewer.
I appreciate that. *bows*
And all the best to you~ 

 - Claraine